The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Natalie's Shuffleboard Success

Natalie's Shuffleboard Success

Natalie Burns (on right of picture) was a fit and healthy 37 year old, who enjoyed running and going to the gym, when she suffered a stroke in September last year, and found herself transferred to the Wessex Neurological Centre for a thrombectomy.

"My stroke was on September 6th 2017 aged 37 years. It was 4 days after hosting my daughters 6th birthday with no indication at all of being unwell. I woke up in the night with pain in my calf that I couldn’t get rid off and felt generally unwell"

Natalie underwent many scans and several hours of surgery to remove a blood clot, which was thought to have originated from her leg. Although now improved, the surgery resulted in her losing most of her ability to speak, and she was only able to only communicate by saying 'yes' and 'no'. 

"My speech has returned to normal in most circumstances, but does falter when I am tired"

Natalie has thankfully made a good recovery, and her recent Shuffleboard Evening fundraiser saw freinds and family come together to raise money for two charities very close to her heart; Smile4Wessex for the wonderful care she received at the Wessex Neurological Centre, and also the Stroke Association. 

"Fortunately I have a great support network around me and I’m recovering well.  I regard myself as very lucky and thank all the people who helped me that day"

The event raised a wonderful £491.30 for each charity, and we would like to express our sincere thanks to Natalie for her support and wish her well with her ongoing recovery. 

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