The Wessex Neurological
Centre Trust

Charitable Support for the Wessex Neurological Centre

Enhancing the range and quality of patient care and sponsoring pioneering research


Kain Dear's 26 hour, 65-mile Island Challenge

Kain Dear's 26 hour, 65-mile Island Challenge
Kain Dear's 26 hour, 65-mile Island Challenge Kain Dear's 26 hour, 65-mile Island Challenge

In one of the more extreme personal challenges that has been undertaken in aid of Smile4Wessex, Kain Dear had elected to take on the gruelling 65-mile Isle of Wight Challenge, a complete circumnavigation of the island - on foot. Worse still, Kain aggravated a back injury just a couple of weeks prior to the event, and there was real doubt as to whether he'd cross the start line, never mind the finish. But he did it, and here, in his own words, is just a little taste of what he faced.

"Well I'd been awake for 34 hours, walked for 26 hours, 12 of those in the rain, wind and fog at night, covering 106km cross country on the most exposed coast and cliffs and gaining a height of 1783 metres.

"It was a tough challenge and at times I wanted to give up, especially after the constant rain and wind but I did finish and came 284 out of 755 starters.

"I've managed to smash my target of £800 fund raising with the current amount including gift aid at £1780, a huge thanks to everyone who donated and supported me as well as action challenge for putting on such an event; and of course, Smile 4 Wessex for allowing me to raise funds for them."

Well Kain, the thanks are all ours, both for your magnificent effort and the tremendous support of all who sponsored you - truly outstanding!

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